Adelaide driver warned for illegal custom number plate
In Adelaide, a driver was noticed with a very unusual customized number plate that read "PRIVATE" along with the phrase "Special Trust Security." This caught the attention of locals, and a photo of the plate was shared online. Many people questioned its legality, with one comment suggesting that such plates would get the driver stopped by police quickly. Authorities confirmed that the number plates are illegal. A spokesman from the South Australia Police (SAPOL) said they could lead to a fine of $933. He noted that the plates were not issued by the local transport department and appeared to be fake. Criticism poured in from the public regarding the driver’s choice to use such plates. Some referred to the driver as a member of the "sovereign citizen" movement, a group that believes it can operate outside the law. This movement has raised concerns among authorities due to its increasing extremism. Instances of unusual plates have been reported before in Australia. A plate seen in Queensland displayed the words "Private Property Non-Commercial" along with other bizarre phrases, and incorrectly warned about severe fines for removing it. Experts warn that the "sovereign citizen" movement poses real threats. In the U.S., a father and son linked to this movement killed police officers in a violent incident. In Australia, police have faced challenges from individuals refusing to comply during traffic stops, citing they are not under officers' jurisdiction. Dr. Ben Rich from Curtin University noted that the movement has become more extreme in recent years, especially following the Covid-19 lockdowns, which acted as a recruitment catalyst for its followers.