Alex DeFrank wins Jeopardy! with Cheers answer
In today's episode of Jeopardy, contestant Alex DeFrank, an inventory specialist from New York, continued his winning streak. He entered the match with $56,401 in total winnings. Today's competition featured David DeBacker, an architectural designer from Michigan, and Lily St. Laurent, a student assistant from California. The Final Jeopardy clue was under the category "Classic TV Shows." It read: "Posted over the door of this show's setting was a notice reading, 'Maximum room capacity 75 persons.'" In this round, all contestants guessed incorrectly. Alex wagered $6,001, answering "MASH," which decreased his total to $19,199. However, this was still enough to secure his win. He now has $75,600 in total winnings. David, who was close to taking the lead, also guessed "MASH" and lost $11,111. He finished in second place with a total of $4,489. Lily could not provide an answer and lost $2,198, ending up with just $2. The correct response to the Final Jeopardy clue was "What is Cheers?" This classic show aired on NBC from 1982 to 1993 and is still popular today.