Alexandria councilman resigns after domestic violence charge
Shane Collins, a councilman in Northern Kentucky, has resigned following domestic violence charges. He has only attended one council meeting since he began his term in January. Collins's resignation was announced by Mayor Andy Schabell during a city council meeting on May 20. Collins was accused of assaulting his wife after she confronted him about cheating. Police reports indicate that Collins grabbed her shirt and pulled her to the ground, leaving marks on her neck. Collins denied the claims, suggesting that the marks were from their young son, who had been asleep during the incident. His wife reported that Collins has a history of abusive behavior. As a result, he was arrested and charged with domestic violence and criminal mischief. A judge ordered Collins to stay away from his wife and their home. However, he allegedly violated this order in late February. Police were called again when his son witnessed another incident where Collins pushed his mother to the ground. After the domestic violence charges, Collins chose to resign from the council, citing personal reasons. His resignation letter expressed gratitude for the support he received during his time in office. The city council has started to look for candidates to fill his position. If they do not find someone within 30 days, the governor will make the appointment.