Association calls for more medical staff in prisons
The Service Doctors and Post Graduates Association (SDPGA) has called on the government to increase medical staff in prison hospitals. They want staffing levels to match the Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS), which specify required personnel for hospitals. The association's president, P. Saminathan, highlighted that prisons with fewer than 50 beds need a specific number of medical personnel. This includes one Chief Medical Officer, eight assistant civil surgeons, four staff nurses, and various other roles to ensure 24-hour patient care. Currently, some prison hospitals are lacking in personnel. For example, Puzhal prison II, which has 40 beds, has only one doctor when three are needed. Similarly, Madurai central prison and Palayamkottai central prison also have staffing shortages. Dr. Saminathan emphasized the need to fill vacancies and increase overall staff numbers. More medical personnel would reduce unnecessary trips to outside hospitals, where escorts are often needed. The association also pointed out that prisoners with mental health issues must be assessed by trained professionals. Their report states there are 435 prisoners with mental illnesses and 1,238 with substance abuse problems in the state.