Atomic Batteries essential for progress in Atomfall
In the game Atomfall, players need to find Atomic Batteries to progress in their main quest. These batteries are crucial for restoring power to datastores and accessing new areas. One location to find Atomic Batteries is the Casterfell Dam. Inside Datastore Charlie, players will see a note about a shipment sent there. After defeating the outlaws at the dam, the first battery can be found near a dead body. Players need to go to the control room and pull a lever to safely collect the battery. Another battery can be found in the Vehicle Storage Bunker at Skethermoor. This location is marked by a note in Datastore Delta. Players should prepare for a fight against outlaws inside the bunker. After clearing the area, players can find the key on a desk to access the storage room where the battery is located. In The Interchange, players can also extract batteries from large robots known as B.A.R.D or Protocol robots. It requires careful strategy, as these robots are guarded by soldiers. A good tactic is to disable security turrets first and then attack a B.A.R.D unit to take its battery once it is weakened. Lastly, players can trade for an Atomic Battery with a character named Nora in Skethermoor. She offers a battery in exchange for various items. Players should note that different items have varied values, and trading may require them to give up consumables or learning manuals. There may be more Atomic Batteries hidden in the game, and players are encouraged to explore further. More updates will be shared as they become available.