Aussie woman diagnosed with melanoma despite routine checks
A young Australian mother, Annelise Mortimer, recently shared her experience of being diagnosed with melanoma at the age of 29. Despite undergoing regular skin checks, a mole on the back of her leg had been repeatedly overlooked. Annelise, now 32, noticed the mole when a family member pointed out that it looked unusually dark. Concerned, she sought a second opinion from a skin clinic and was fortunate to get an earlier appointment just before Christmas 2022. Doctors were worried about the mole, which had irregular shape and was growing. Annelise had it removed and tested, and on December 23, she received the shocking news that it was Stage 2 malignant melanoma. She feared that her life could be cut short, especially as a mother to an 18-month-old son. Melanoma is particularly concerning in Australia, with one person diagnosed every 30 minutes. Due to the melanoma's characteristics, there was a real risk it had spread to her lymph nodes. Annelise underwent further surgery to check for any spread and was relieved when her results returned clear. Although she avoided chemotherapy, Annelise is now at a higher risk for future melanomas and must have frequent skin checks. She has also had multiple moles removed as a precaution. Since her diagnosis, Annelise has become an advocate for skin cancer awareness, urging young people to take it seriously. She reflected on her previous misconceptions about sun safety, admitting that she once thought some sunburns were harmless. Annelise faced emotional challenges during her recovery, especially as a young mother. Her family provided invaluable support throughout her surgery and recovery process. She encourages everyone to check their skin regularly and seek professional advice for any concerns. As Melanoma March events take place in Australia to promote awareness, Annelise’s story serves as a vital reminder of the importance of early detection and prevention of melanoma. She believes that everyone should be proactive about their skin health.