Austrian court convicts migrant for abusing 12-year-old girl
A trial began in Vienna for an Afghan migrant accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl. The defendant, Wais S., is now 18 and faces serious charges for his actions that took place in 2023. He was accused of being part of a group that gang-raped the girl. During the trial, Wais admitted to having sexual relations with the girl, claiming he believed it was legal because of their ages. He also revealed he had blackmailed her with videos they had taken together. Many of the teenage boys involved claimed the girl pretended to be older than 14. The girl, now 14, was reportedly treated like a "trophy" during the attacks. Her mother expressed deep concern about how her daughter had been manipulated and alienated from their family. Footage from the incidents showed the girl begging for the assaults to stop. Wais received a sentence of 15 months probation and was ordered to pay damages. Investigators arrested many other suspects in relation to the case. A police representative stated that most suspects were minors from various nationalities. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to ensure the victim feels safe and supported. Other troubling incidents in Vienna have also surfaced, involving the sexual abuse of women and girls by groups of young men.