B.C. mother permitted to vaccinate kids against father's wishes
A court in British Columbia has ruled that a mother can vaccinate her children against the human papillomavirus (HPV), despite their father's objections. The father had sought to stop the vaccinations, arguing that the risks were not fully considered. Last year, a judge dismissed the father's request and also restricted him from discussing the HPV vaccine with the children. The father appealed this decision, claiming that the initial judge showed bias and ignored evidence about potential dangers of the vaccine. However, a three-judge panel upheld the lower court's decision. They stated that the judge did not unfairly favor the mother’s views over the father's. The panel also noted that the father's attempts to influence the children by showing them disturbing videos about the vaccine were inappropriate. The appeal ruling emphasized that the children's well-being is paramount. The judge concluded that the mother should have the authority to decide when to immunize the children.