Blake Shelton's song caused tears and heart attack
Blake Shelton has released a new song titled "Let Him in Anyway," and it has had a strong emotional impact on listeners. Gwen Stefani, Shelton's wife, couldn't stop crying after hearing it. While getting ready for an event, she played the song multiple times and wept each time, even affecting her makeup. The song deals with the loss of a loved one and reflects on their faith, asking for them to be admitted into heaven despite imperfections. This heavy theme resonated with others as well. Jon Loba, a record label executive, shared that when he played the song for Chris Oglesby, another executive, both men found themselves in tears. In a surprising turn of events, Oglesby excused himself during the song, suspecting he might be having a heart attack. He was later diagnosed with one and received stents. Oglesby believes the intense emotions from the song triggered his health scare. Thankfully, he is now recovering well. "Let Him in Anyway" is available for streaming and will be part of Shelton's upcoming album, "For Recreational Use Only," which releases on May 9, 2025. Fans are warned to listen to the song with caution due to its powerful content.