Carroll County denies access for Piedmont powerline project
Carroll County commissioners have refused requests for access to four county-owned properties needed for the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project. This 70-mile power line project is planned to run through Carroll, Frederick, and Baltimore counties. The commissioners continue to oppose the project, citing environmental concerns and its potential impact on local agriculture and quality of life. The Public Service Enterprise Group, hired to build the $424 million power line, wanted temporary access to assess the land's suitability. However, the county board stated it would not allow any access to facilitate the project. They expressed strong opposition, saying, “Carroll County has been very clear that we are vehemently opposed to the MPRP project.” In January, the commissioners filed a petition with the Maryland Public Service Commission. This action enables them to participate in legal proceedings related to the project. They aim to influence the outcome and protect the interests of their residents. The board is working with nearby jurisdictions and leaders to stop the project in its current form.