Choose wallpaper patterns based on room size and light
Wallpaper can greatly change the look of a room, adding personality and style. However, picking the right design can be challenging for many people. Odette Gibson, an interiors expert, offers helpful advice for choosing wallpaper. She suggests that if you find a design you love, buy one roll first. This allows you to see how it looks in your room before committing to a larger purchase. Often, people buy expensive wallpaper only to find it does not fit well in their space. Gibson also points out that the size of the room can influence your wallpaper choice. For larger rooms, bold patterns work well, while smaller rooms benefit from simpler designs. She warns about using stripes, as they require perfectly straight walls to look good. Another tip is to pay close attention to the batch number when buying wallpaper. Different batches can have slight color variations, which may affect how your walls look. It’s best to get all rolls from the same batch. Before wallpapering, make sure the walls are in good shape. Gibson recommends a “mist coat” of paint—mixing equal parts white paint and water. This helps to prepare the walls and reveal any imperfections. If you want to mix paint and wallpaper, it can be easy to match colors. Many DIY stores can create paint that matches the color in your wallpaper, allowing for a cohesive look in your room.