Choosing proper footwear improves spine health and balance
Choosing the right shoes is important for good spine health. Dr. Lakshay Bhaktiani, a physiotherapy expert, says footwear affects both your feet and spine. Wearing the wrong shoes can lead to pain, while the right pair offers support and absorbs shock during activities like walking and running. High heels can change your posture and lead to lower back pain. They may cause you to pull your lower back forward, resulting in discomfort. Similarly, flip flops can create an unnatural walking pattern and contribute to spinal pain. When looking for shoes, it’s essential to find a pair that fits well and offers enough cushioning. Avoid tight shoes that can strain your feet. Comfort is key; shoes should not pinch or irritate any part of your foot. Walking around in new shoes before buying them can help you understand how they feel. This will help you avoid future spinal problems. Remember, proper footwear matters for your spine health. Always consult a medical professional for advice on specific issues.