Class 12 Biotechnology exam held today in India
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is holding the Class 12 Biotechnology exam today, March 21, 2025. The exam will start at 10:30 AM and finish around 1:30 PM. It will take place in 7,842 centers across India and in 26 locations abroad. This year, about 42 lakh students from 8,000 schools are participating in the Class 10 and Class 12 board exams. Students must arrive at their exam centers before 10 AM, as latecomers will not be allowed in. Candidates are required to wear their school uniforms and bring only approved stationery. They should leave mobile phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices at home, as these are not allowed in the exam hall. Students need to read the instructions on their admit cards carefully. They should also follow the rules about unfair practices as stated in the CBSE circular. Furthermore, students are advised not to share rumors or exam materials on social media platforms. Each student must carry their CBSE admit card and school ID. The admit card includes important information like exam times, subject names, and the exam center. The Class 10 exams began with English, while Class 12 exams started with Entrepreneurship on February 15. Class 10 exams ended on March 18, and Class 12 exams will conclude on April 4.