Cooling foods enhance fertility during summer months
As summer approaches, attention turns to boosting health, particularly reproductive health. In hot weather, staying hydrated is essential. Hormonal imbalances and irregular periods can also affect fertility. A balanced diet, exercise, and hydration can increase the chances of conception. Cooling foods are especially beneficial during this season. They help regulate body temperature and support reproductive health. Eating fresh summer produce can improve hormone balance, egg and sperm quality, and reduce inflammation. Dr. Venkata Sujatha Vellanki, a fertility specialist, highlights some key foods to include in your diet. Berries, like strawberries and blueberries, are rich in antioxidants. They protect eggs and improve overall fertility. Amla, or Indian gooseberry, also offers high antioxidant levels. It can enhance sperm quality and support hormonal balance. Bananas, rich in vitamin B6, regulate ovulation hormones and improve egg quality. Fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines, provide omega-3 fatty acids. These help reduce inflammation and promote hormone balance, important for fertility. Leafy greens like spinach, combined with iron-rich foods, support blood flow and hormonal function. Basil seeds soaked in water promote hydration and digestion. They can be added to your daily diet. Incorporating these cooling foods, staying hydrated, and managing stress can optimize fertility. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and physical activity, is vital for overall reproductive health.