CSJMU releases UG, PG semester results for students
Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU) has released the results for odd semester exams for undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Students can check their results online at the university's website, csjmu.ac.in. The exams took place from December 2024 to January 2025. Students from programs like BA, BSc, BCom, MA, MSc, and MCom can access their mark sheets by following a few simple steps on the website. First, they should go to the 'Students' tab. Then, they must click on 'Results' and select ‘NEP And Semester Examination Results’. After entering their roll number and other details, they can download their results in PDF format. The mark sheet will include important details such as the student's name, roll number, course, subject-wise marks, and overall percentage. Students are advised to check all information for accuracy and report any errors promptly. If students have concerns about their marks, they can apply for re-evaluation within 15 days of the result announcement. Additionally, CSJMU offers supplementary exams for students who did not pass certain subjects, allowing them to catch up without delaying their academic progress.