Daycare closed after toddlers given Benadryl in Georgia
A daycare at Forsyth Methodist Church in Georgia has been shut down after allegations that workers gave toddlers Benadryl to make them sleepy. The Department of Early Care and Learning took action on March 10, saying the children's health and safety were at risk. The Monroe County Sheriff's Office had reported that a daycare teacher named Kendasja Hughley gave Benadryl to three 2-year-olds on March 6. This was done before lunchtime to ensure the kids would sleep well during nap time. Authorities found evidence through surveillance footage and witness accounts. Parents noticed their children seemed sluggish when picked up and said they were "not normal." The daycare did not inform parents that the children were given medication, and there were no doctor's notes for the kids who received Benadryl. Another teacher saw Hughley giving the medication and reported it to the daycare's director, Cathy Stevick. However, Stevick did not report the incident to authorities for three days. Hughley faces multiple charges, including cruelty to children and reckless conduct. Stevick is charged with failing to report child abuse, while another teacher, Shelby Webb, also faces charges. All three have been arrested but released from jail.