Delhi's budget aims to combat severe air pollution
New Delhi is set to receive its first budget from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by Chief Minister Rekha Gupta. This budget comes with high expectations as both the elected government and the lieutenant governor are aligned under the same party. The BJP aims to address major issues affecting city residents, including air pollution, infrastructure, and waste management. Air pollution is one of Delhi's biggest challenges, affecting all residents. The BJP's manifesto pledged to cut pollution levels by 50% by 2030. However, experts say more measures are needed beyond the plans to limit old vehicles and install anti-smog guns. They suggest investing in large-scale tree planting and improving road maintenance to reduce dust. Another pressing issue is the cleaning of the Yamuna River, which has long been neglected. The BJP has promised to rejuvenate the river within three years but faces financial challenges. The Delhi Jal Board is struggling with debt, affecting its ability to maintain existing sewage treatment plants. Funds are needed to build new facilities to improve water quality and prevent untreated sewage from entering the river. Traffic congestion remains a significant problem despite Delhi's extensive road network. The growing number of vehicles has overwhelmed the city's roads, leading to increased pollution. The BJP has promised to enhance public transport and improve traffic management. However, better connections between metro stations and bus services are essential for effective transportation. Civic issues, including sanitation and waste management, have also become critical. The municipal corporation faces a financial crisis and needs increased funding from the government. Clearing landfills and improving waste processing require urgent attention. Delhi's infrastructure also needs an upgrade. The city relies on outdated systems, making it vulnerable to issues like flooding. Experts recommend establishing a unified command center for better coordination among agencies involved in urban planning. Overall, the upcoming budget will reveal how the BJP plans to tackle these pressing challenges and fulfill its promises to the people of Delhi.