Developers threaten path closures in South Stoke conflict
Residents in the village of South Stoke, near Bath, are in conflict with a developer over plans to build 300 new homes. The Hignett Family Trust wanted to develop fields that are considered part of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Villagers successfully blocked their plans last year, but the developers have now threatened to close walking paths in retaliation. This struggle started when the trust attempted to expand upon 171 homes already built. Locals have fought against the development for over 20 years. After a recent rejection of the developers' appeal, the locals celebrated but remain anxious about future access to walking routes. Mother-of-two Nicol, who uses the paths to take her children to school, described the developers' actions as "spiteful." Many residents feel the threat to close off the paths is childish and reflects a poor relationship with the community. They fear that losing access to these paths would impact their quality of life. Sybil, an 84-year-old resident, shared how the ongoing battle has caused her significant stress and health issues. She worries about the increasing noise and traffic from the homes already built. Other locals, including nurse Aliya, expressed how much they value these paths for their daily walks. Despite the setbacks, residents have previously banded together to save their historic pub, The Packhorse Inn, from being converted into flats. They remain determined to protect their community and the countryside. The Planning Inspectorate recently agreed with the villagers, stating that further development would negatively affect the local landscape. The Hignett Family Trust acknowledged the rejection but insists they are reviewing the status of the paths used by the public.