Disturbing letters encourage kidnapping of Melbourne lawyer
Disturbing letters have been found in mailboxes across Melbourne. These letters encourage recipients to kidnap an Australian citizen named Kevin Yam. Yam is a former lawyer from Hong Kong who advocated for democracy. He returned to Australia in 2022 and is now pursuing a PhD at Melbourne Law School. The letters offer a reward of 1 million Hong Kong dollars, approximately $200,000, for anyone who can provide information on him or help take him to Hong Kong. Yam described the letters as a call for him to be kidnapped. He believes they come from the Hong Kong or Chinese authorities. Former Hong Kong politician Ted Hui has also been targeted in a similar campaign. Pamphlets misrepresent him, suggesting that he is pro-Israel and wants to wage war against terrorism. Both Australian government and opposition leaders have condemned the actions as threats to sovereignty. Foreign Minister Penny Wong stated that Australia will not tolerate bullying or harassment from foreign powers. Shadow Home Affairs Minister James Paterson labeled the campaigns as unacceptable and illegal. The Hong Kong government claimed it does not send anonymous letters.