Dr. Ajaz's ADHD quiz targets primarily women
Dr. Ali Ajaz, a psychiatrist in London, has created a quiz to help people determine if they might have ADHD. He believes that ADHD diagnosis criteria are biased against women, making this quiz especially useful for women who suspect they have the condition. ADHD affects about 3 to 4 percent of adults in the UK. While it is usually diagnosed in children under 12, some adults receive a diagnosis later in life. Dr. Ajaz notes that men are diagnosed more frequently than women, but women often experience similar symptoms. The quiz consists of 11 questions that individuals can score from one to five, with one meaning "very rarely" and five meaning "very often." Dr. Ajaz emphasizes that only a qualified clinician can make an accurate diagnosis of ADHD. Some of the questions include whether you struggle to manage your life consistently, find it hard to control spending, or feel like an imposter. Those who score over 35 on the quiz might want to discuss their results with a doctor for further assessment. Dr. Ajaz stresses that diagnosis should involve a specialist. He highlights that current guidelines suggest symptoms must have been present since childhood, as ADHD is not thought to develop in adulthood. Self-diagnosis is not recommended.