Drunk passenger causes taxi rollover crash in Belarus
A drunk woman caused a serious accident in a taxi in Belarus by grabbing the driver's steering wheel. The incident was captured on video and shows the taxi traveling normally when the 23-year-old passenger suddenly yanks the wheel. As a result, the car veers off course and rolls over multiple times. The driver and the intoxicated woman are thrown around inside, but the woman in the back seat, who was not wearing a seat belt, is thrown even more violently. Despite the severity of the crash, the drunk woman appears unfazed and even smiles afterward. The driver, angry and shocked, scolds the woman for her reckless behavior. Fortunately, none of the three passengers suffered serious injuries in the accident, which took place on a road in Khlebozavodskaya on Monday. Local police have charged the woman with creating a dangerous situation and refusing a medical examination after the crash.