Dubai landlords mandate single cheque payments for lower rent
Landlords in Dubai are changing the way they handle rent payments. They now encourage tenants to pay their rent in one cheque. If tenants agree to this, they may get a lower rent. However, if they prefer to pay in multiple cheques, the rent could increase by 5% to 25%. This practice is becoming more common, especially in newly built buildings with higher quality ratings. Three months after the launch of a new digital Rental Index, landlords feel more confident to set higher prices. Estate agents say that securing higher rents during lease renewals is crucial for landlords this year. Tenants, however, face challenges. Paying rent in one cheque means a large upfront cost that can disrupt their finances. New tenants looking for apartments are also feeling the pressure. While rental increases have slowed in some areas, there has not yet been a significant decline in prices after several years of rising rents.