Dublin taxi seized for being uninsured and untaxed
Gardaí officers in Dublin seized a taxi that had been uninsured and without valid motor tax for over three months. The taxi was spotted on Grafton Street on Saturday, displaying expired tax discs. Officers noted the motor tax had been expired for 111 days. The driver could not provide proof of insurance, leading to the taxi's immediate seizure. Gardaí also issued a fixed charge notice to the driver. According to a post on their social media, this action was taken during routine patrols. In Ireland, driving without insurance can result in serious penalties. Initial fines for not displaying an insurance disc start at €60 but can rise to €90 after 28 days. Offenders face fines up to €5,000, five penalty points on their license, and could face six months in prison. A court may also disqualify drivers from driving altogether. Additionally, motorists must show proof of paid motor tax on their vehicle’s windscreen. Gardaí have the authority to impound vehicles found without valid tax.