Fall River approves four new apartments on Bedford Street
FALL RIVER — A plan to convert two commercial spaces into four new apartments on Bedford Street has received approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The decision was made during a meeting on March 20. The building is located at the corner of Ninth and Bedford streets. Owner Demetrios Salpoglou applied to change the space from mixed-use to residential-only. The commercial areas at 351 to 357 Bedford St. have been vacant. Salpoglou’s attorney, Peter A. Saulino, noted that there have been efforts to attract businesses, but they have not been successful. The proposal included a request to reduce the number of required parking spaces. The board debated the impact of traffic and whether the parking was adequate. Saulino argued that the new apartments would provide enough parking for residents. Currently, only three of the residents have cars, and there are six apartments on the upper floors. City officials mentioned that parking is generally available downtown. Also, there is a carport on the property that could provide additional parking spaces. The area is surrounded by mechanic shops and other businesses, which is expected to help with any potential parking issues. Before final approval, the ZBA Chairman requested a limited review of the site plan. Additionally, suggestions were made to have a screened dumpster for tenant waste.