Firefighters tackle large moor fire near Greater Manchester
Dozens of firefighters are fighting a large fire on the moors above Greater Manchester. The flames are estimated to reach heights of over 1.5 meters. The fire started on Marsden Moor and spread to the New Year's Bridge Reservoir area in Denshaw, Oldham. Firefighters received reports of the blaze around 1:30 PM. It has now covered an area of about three square miles. The fire moved into Greater Manchester, expanding significantly by the afternoon. Fire crews from West Yorkshire responded quickly to the situation. They used equipment like beaters and blowers to help control the flames. At the height of the fire, about 15 fire engines were on the scene. Smoke from the fire could be seen as far away as Bury. It has created a bright orange glow in the evening sky. The area around Wham Lane and Huddersfield Road has become the main focus for firefighters. The A640 Huddersfield Road/New Hey Road is closed to traffic, and the public is advised to stay away. Firefighters are working under challenging conditions due to high winds, which are making their efforts difficult. They continue to seek support from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service as they work to control the fire.