Food cart worker accused of setting fire in Times Square
Police are searching for a food cart vendor accused of setting a club promoter on fire in Times Square. The suspect is Ahmad Mossad, who reportedly fled to Egypt after the incident. The attack took place outside the Nebula nightclub on Sunday. Authorities say Mossad drenched the promoter, Mark Whyte, 45, with an accelerant and lit him on fire. Mossad is related to the food cart's owner and knew Whyte, as the cart was often near the club. Eyewitnesses reported that the two men had been arguing for about 15 minutes before the situation escalated. After briefly entering the club, Whyte came out, and Mossad allegedly used some materials from the cart to ignite him. After the attack, Whyte managed to run about 100 feet while on fire. Bystanders quickly helped by extinguishing the flames. Video showed Whyte in pain and covered in burns as emergency responders arrived. He was taken to New York Presbyterian Cornell Hospital and is now in stable condition. It is unclear what triggered the argument or if police are actively trying to locate Mossad in Egypt.