Fraudulent cheque attempt uncovered at RCF
In Mumbai, there was an attempt to steal 1 crore rupees from Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers (RCF) by using forged signatures on two cheques. The police have launched an investigation following this incident. Sixty-two cheques are now missing from RCF’s office, raising concerns about security. Each cheque had a limit of 50 lakh rupees. The fraud was first detected on January 14 when Mahesh Rana, an accountant at RCF, noticed a suspicious transaction. A cheque dated December 23, 2024, for 48.5 lakh rupees was deposited into the account of Sameer Faiz Alam Khan at a bank in Malvani. Investigators found that the cheque had handwritten details and fake signatures that looked like those of RCF's authorized signatories. RCF confirmed that it only uses pre-printed cheques, further indicating that a forgery had taken place. After confirming the fraud, RCF filed two police complaints, one on February 3 and another on March 5. The police have registered a case of cyber fraud and cheating. They are currently working to identify those involved in this scheme.