Garuda Construction stock drops 1.32% today
On March 18, 2025, Garuda Construction and Engineer's stock price fell by 1.32%. The stock closed at ₹101.90 per share and is currently trading at ₹100.55. Yesterday, the stock opened at ₹103.95 but ended lower at ₹101.90. It reached a high of ₹103.95 and a low of ₹100.35 during trading, with a total volume of 28,788 shares traded. The company's market capitalization is ₹934.70 crore. Over the past year, Garuda Construction and Engineer's stock has had ups and downs. Its highest price in the last 52 weeks was ₹153.50, while the lowest was ₹76.02. The technical trend suggests a bearish outlook for the near term. Investors are advised to keep a close watch on the stock's performance in the coming days.