Gemini Canvas excels in visual enhancements over ChatGPT
Both ChatGPT and Gemini Canvas offer tools for creating and editing content, but they have different strengths. ChatGPT’s Canvas requires a subscription, while Gemini’s is free. In tests, both AIs created a weekly schedule based on a user’s preferences for work, exercise, and personal time. They handled edits well but diverged when presenting the schedule visually. Gemini produced a chart with color suggestions, while ChatGPT organized the events in a list format with colors. Next, I asked both AIs for tips to help a one-year-old start talking. They both provided practical suggestions. But Gemini excelled by including actual photos and links to videos, making its guide more interactive. When creating a web page for recipes, both AIs quickly generated HTML code. However, Gemini’s initial design was more visually appealing. It showed greater creativity than ChatGPT in this task. Overall, both tools have their advantages. ChatGPT may be better for text-focused tasks, while Gemini offers enhanced visual elements. In conclusion, I would start with ChatGPT for writing and turn to Gemini for visual features.