Georgia couple charged with murder of infant baby
A couple from Columbus, Georgia, has been charged with second-degree murder after the death of their six-week-old baby. The baby was found unresponsive in their home on March 2 and was later pronounced dead at a local hospital. When police arrived, they found the infant wrapped in a sweatshirt. Nearby, there was a pill bottle containing methamphetamine, which had the mother's name on it. The baby showed signs of severe bruising and lividity, which is the discoloration of skin that occurs after death, according to investigators. The couple, Ariel Simmons and Ryan McMilleon, claimed the baby's injuries were caused by co-sleeping. McMilleon stated that when he woke up, he realized the blanket had covered the baby's head. They were initially arrested on unrelated charges, but new evidence led police to file murder and child cruelty charges on March 17. Family members of the couple maintain that they would never harm their child intentionally. McMilleon’s mother said he loved his kids deeply. A defense attorney for Simmons argued that the injuries were an unfortunate accident, typical in cases of co-sleeping. In the United States, around 3,700 babies die each year due to sleep-related issues, including accidental suffocation and sudden infant death syndrome.