Hen prepares for motherhood with fertilized eggs
A woman named Gemma gained attention on TikTok after she gave her pet hen, Miss Arabella, fertilized eggs. In a video posted on March 10, Gemma explained that her hen seemed eager to become a mother. She opened a box of eggs marked with an X and excitedly told her hen, "I got some eggs with babies." As soon as Gemma placed the eggs on the sawdust, Miss Arabella rushed over and immediately started sitting on them. This behavior is typical for a hen that is broody, which means she is ready to incubate eggs. Broody hens often become protective and show other signs, such as clucking softly and puffing up their feathers. The video quickly went viral, gaining over 561,000 likes and 7.3 million views. Many viewers expressed their emotions and curiosity about the situation. Some asked if chickens could sense life in the eggs, while others compared the act to adoption. Gemma, who lives in Australia, clarified that she doesn't have a rooster, so she chose to buy "adoptive eggs" for Miss Arabella. After eight days with the first batch of eggs, there were no signs of life. Undeterred, Gemma later provided more eggs that had developing embryos. She informed her followers that these new eggs are expected to hatch next weekend. According to experts, chicken eggs take about 21 days to hatch. Owners should let the chicks hatch on their own for safety, which can take up to 24 hours. Gemma continues to share updates, keeping her audience excited about the upcoming arrivals.