Henninger High School presents "Hadestown" musical March 21-22
Henninger High School students will perform "Hadestown: Teen Edition" this spring. The show will take place at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 21, and Saturday, March 22. "Hadestown" is a musical that tells two intertwined love stories. It features young dreamers Orpheus and Eurydice, as well as the immortal King Hades and Lady Persephone. The story invites the audience on a journey to the underworld and back. The musical blends American folk music with vintage New Orleans jazz, exploring themes like industry versus nature and doubt versus faith. Tickets are available online for $7. At the venue, adult tickets cost $10, while student tickets are $8. Seating is general admission. The cast includes Jayceon Barber as Orpheus and Kaliya Delgado as Eurydice, among others. The production team is led by Director Becca Pena and Technical Director Dana Bonn. The show features a variety of student performers, crew members, and musicians. Other local school musicals are also taking place this weekend in Central New York.