High wind watch issued for South Central Oregon Coast
The National Weather Service has issued a high wind watch for the South Central Oregon Coast and Curry County Coast. This alert will be in effect on Wednesday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Winds from the south are expected to range from 25 to 35 mph, with gusts potentially reaching up to 60 mph. In some areas, gusts could be as high as 70 mph. These strong winds may cause trees and power lines to fall, leading to possible power outages. Travel conditions may also become hazardous, especially for taller vehicles. Residents are advised to stay informed about the forecasts and updates. The weather service categorizes wind alerts into three levels. A high wind warning means immediate action is needed due to dangerous winds. A wind advisory indicates significant winds but less severe than a warning. A high wind watch signals that strong winds may occur, so preparations should be made. To prepare for high winds, trim tree branches near your home and secure loose items in your yard. Identify a safe room in your house, and if you live in a mobile home, plan to go to a more secure building. It's also a good idea to charge your essential devices and stock up on food and water. During strong winds, seek shelter indoors or in a sturdy building. If you are outside or driving, find a place to take cover. Avoid areas with trees or power lines, as these can be dangerous. If you must drive, keep your speed down and maintain a safe distance from larger vehicles. After the winds have passed, stay away from downed power lines and report them to authorities. Handle debris carefully, as it can pose risks.