Homeowners can take action against blocked driveways
When a car parks across your driveway, it can be very frustrating. Homeowners impacted by this situation have three options to consider. First, it is advised to check with neighbors to find the owner of the vehicle. This can help resolve the issue quickly. Often, simply asking the person to move their car is effective, as they might not realize they are blocking your access. If you cannot find the owner, you can leave a polite note on their windscreen. This might alert them to the problem and encourage them to move their vehicle. The note should clearly state that their car is blocking your driveway. Lastly, if the issue persists, you may need to contact your local council. Some councils have specific rules under Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) that can apply to cars blocking driveways. If your council has CPE, you should report the obstruction to them. However, if no CPE is in place, your local police force might be able to help, especially if the blockage prevents you from leaving your property.