Influencer films dangerous test drives in Texas dealerships
A recent trend in Texas has raised safety concerns as social media influencers film reckless joyrides in high-performance cars. Influencer Ahmer Saeed has gathered attention for his videos, where he drives at extreme speeds while filming terrified salespeople during test drives. Some of these rides have resulted in at least one salesperson becoming sick. Salespeople often feel pressured to go along with these dangerous drives to secure a sale. Most dealerships have not reported these reckless actions. Out of several dealerships contacted, only two had called the police about Saeed’s stunt driving. One dealership's manager, Matt Ducote, shared the experience of his salesperson, who was terrified during a joyride that included speeds over 100 mph. One salesperson, Edgar Lopez, recounted a particularly frightening two-and-a-half-hour drive. He expressed concern for his safety as his requests to slow down or stop were ignored. Although he tried to appear calm in the video footage, he was filled with fear for his life and worried about returning home to his family. This behavior is not just dangerous but also potentially illegal. In Texas, refusing a salesperson's request to stop can lead to charges, including unlawful restraint. Experts warn that the growing trend of reckless driving puts everyone on the road at risk. While some might claim these videos are just for fun, safety experts stress that driving at such high speeds endangers lives. The United States continues to struggle with road safety issues compared to other developed nations. Authorities emphasize the importance of responsible driving and call for an end to reckless behavior behind the wheel.