Iron-rich foods boost energy during menstrual cycles
A nutritionist has shared important advice on what to eat during your menstrual cycle to help boost energy levels. Emma Bardwell, who promotes awareness about menstrual fatigue, emphasizes the role of diet, especially iron intake, during this time. During periods, many women experience fatigue. Emma points out that menstrual bleeding can lead to a loss of iron, which is needed for making red blood cells. These cells are important because they carry oxygen in the body. Women aged 19 to 49 need about 14.8 mg of iron daily, much more than the 8.7 mg recommended for men. To replenish iron levels, Emma suggests consuming red meat, poultry, and seafood, as these are good sources of animal-based iron, known as heme iron, which is easily absorbed. For vegetarians, she recommends dark leafy greens, beans, and nuts as plant-based sources of iron. However, this type of iron, called non-heme iron, is not absorbed as well. To improve the absorption of non-heme iron, Emma advises combining it with vitamin C-rich foods, like broccoli and bell peppers. She also recommends opting for orange juice instead of coffee with breakfast, as coffee can hinder iron absorption. It’s best to wait an hour after eating before having coffee. Despite these dietary recommendations, many women still struggle with iron levels. According to a survey, about 25% of UK women have an iron deficiency. Women on vegetarian or vegan diets may find it particularly challenging to maintain adequate iron levels. If someone has concerns about their menstrual cycle or experiences severe fatigue, Emma suggests consulting a doctor. Blood tests can determine iron levels, and doctors can discuss supplements if needed. Some iron supplements can cause side effects, but Active Iron is designed to maximize absorption and minimize discomfort.