Magnesium is important for sleep and muscle function
Magnesium is an important nutrient for health, especially for sleep and muscle function. Experts say that people are talking about it more lately, similar to protein and vitamin D. Magnesium plays a wide role in the body. It helps with many functions, including regulating blood sugar and repairing DNA. Medical professionals highlight its significance, stating, "Magnesium supports every function of the body." Despite its importance, many experts believe that most people are not lacking magnesium. It is commonly found in various foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, and fish. "Most people are not deficient in magnesium," says a doctor from Swell Medical. Your body can also store magnesium. This means you don’t need to consume large amounts every day. It can be absorbed in the intestines and stored in the bone marrow, so you have a reserve during times when intake is lower. Magnesium supplements can be helpful but should be taken with caution. Using them for issues like sleep or mood may not be necessary if you already get enough from your diet. Taking too much magnesium can be harmful. Experts recommend sticking to the daily value of 400–420 milligrams for adult males unless advised by a doctor.