Mango consumption may improve insulin sensitivity and weight loss
A recent study highlighted the potential health benefits of mangoes, particularly for people struggling with weight and insulin resistance. Published in the Nutrients journal, the research found that eating two cups of mango daily for four weeks decreased insulin levels in overweight or obese participants. Lower insulin levels mean healthier blood sugar control and improved energy use by the body. Researchers from the Illinois Institute of Technology conducted the study. They believe their findings support the idea of including mangoes in diets aimed at improving insulin sensitivity. While mangoes alone won't solve health problems, they do offer several health advantages and are often considered a superfood. Previous research indicates that mangoes can lower cholesterol, manage blood pressure, and potentially protect against cancer. Although there has been no direct link between mangoes and weight loss, a 2016 study suggested that compounds in mangoes might help prevent fat cells from multiplying, which could aid in obesity management. Mangoes are nutritious and low in calories. A cup of chopped mango contains around 99 calories and provides essential vitamins and minerals. This serving offers 67% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, along with notable amounts of vitamins A and E, folate, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin K.