Max level cap in Assassin's Creed Shadows is 60
In the game Assassin’s Creed Shadows, the maximum level cap is set at 60. This high cap means players may not need to worry too much about reaching it quickly. Your level affects the equipment you can use and the strength of your character's base stats, such as health. The game allows players to progress using two main characters, Naoe and Yasuke. They both share experience points, so players only need to track one experience meter. As you play, both the weapons you find and the enemies you face will scale in level with your characters. To reach level 60, players will have to put in a lot of time. After about 62 hours of gameplay, one player reached level 50 while completing the main story and various side activities. At level 50, it takes about 18,000 experience points to advance to the next level. Characters Naoe and Yasuke have different stats. Naoe has 945 health and 492 attack damage, while Yasuke has 2,211 health and 985 attack damage. With equipment, Naoe can reach nearly 3,947 health and 1,969 attack damage, while Yasuke can achieve over 9,104 health and 3,784 attack damage. Players can earn experience points by clearing castles and assassinating enemies. Completing all the targets in the game's objective menu can yield around 10,000 experience points. For quicker gains, players can take on Contracts and Anomalies. These activities not only provide experience but also reward players with materials and currency.