Michigan couple imprisoned in Mexico over unpaid charges
A couple from Michigan is in a maximum-security prison in Cancun, Mexico. Their daughter, Lindsey Hull, claims her parents, Paul and Christy Akeo, are being held wrongfully. The issue began with unpaid credit card charges at a resort, which the Akeos thought had been settled. Lindsey believes the resort is retaliating against her parents and accuses them of extortion. The couple has been imprisoned for 21 days, and Lindsey is worried about their lack of communication. Lindsey has had brief conversations with her mother, Christy, but she has not heard from her stepdad, Paul. "It’s very short, usually less than five minutes," she said about the calls. Christy is known for her caring nature, while Paul is a veteran and works for the Michigan State Police. Lindsey is determined to get her family home. She and her brother are seeking legal help in Mexico and the U.S. They are also using social media to rally support. "The amount of people that have jumped in to help is amazing," Lindsey noted. Congressman Tom Barrett is involved and has stated he is working with the White House and other officials to resolve the situation quickly and safely.