Nagpur schools closed, buses off due to safety fears
Nagpur: Schools outside the curfew zone in Nagpur are still closed due to safety concerns following recent violence. Around 100 schools decided to stay shut, even though they are not in the restricted area. Many school bus owners also chose not to operate, leading to over 200 buses off the roads on Wednesday. Schools that reopened saw improved attendance, with about 75% of students attending compared to just 30% the day before. The local education department is in contact with schools in the curfew zone and is waiting for the curfew to be lifted. They stated that schools could reopen automatically once the order is canceled. Some schools, located as far as 20 kilometers from the main area of unrest, also remained closed. Most staff and students come from the city, making it difficult for them to travel. The district has over 1,200 school buses, but many routes are affected by the curfew. Samar Jog, from the Schoolbus Owners Association, mentioned that some bus fleets are completely grounded, while others are running at reduced capacity. Many principals communicated with bus owners about remaining closed, and parents supported these decisions.