Netflix expands gaming offerings for 700 million users
Netflix is pushing to expand its platform by developing and publishing games for its users. At the Game Developers Conference, Alain Tascan, Netflix's games president, explained that with over 700 million customers, games can keep audiences engaged between TV seasons. He emphasized that Netflix aims to be a significant player in the gaming world, comparable to its success in streaming. Tascan mentioned two key features of games: they provide a sense of achievement and foster community. He believes that it is essential for Netflix to reach younger audiences who enjoy gaming. A highlight from the event was the mobile game "Squid Game Unleashed," which doesn't require a Netflix subscription. Netflix is committed to collaborating with top creators to innovate in gaming. Tascan shared that Netflix is focused on streamlining game access and minimizing obstacles for players. One exciting upcoming game is "Spirit Crossing" from Spry Fox, which features a cozy atmosphere reminiscent of Studio Ghibli films. It encourages players to form lasting friendships in an enchanting world. The developers believe this type of online gaming culture can lead to meaningful connections among players. Mike Verdu, who previously helped launch Netflix Games, has been succeeded by Tascan, who wants to take bold risks and enhance player engagement. He anticipates new investments in gaming experiences that are uniquely tied to Netflix. Despite the success of "Squid Game," Tascan acknowledges that Netflix's gaming journey is still in its early stages, and there is much to improve, especially in user engagement. Shroff added that the goal is to create interesting social experiences, particularly in living rooms. Although Netflix is exploring various gaming formats, Tascan remains cautious about entering the console market. He believes their focus should remain on reaching younger audiences through accessible gaming on multiple platforms. In conclusion, Netflix sees a significant opportunity to change the game industry by offering unique gaming experiences that connect deeply with players. Tascan posed a thought-provoking question to his team about how to make the most of this opportunity moving forward.