New investment portfolios launched to navigate market uncertainty
In 2025, the stock market is showing a different trend compared to 2017, the first year of Trump’s first term. The current economic climate is uncertain, impacting how investors are approaching their portfolios. Macro Trading Factory offers two investment portfolios designed to help investors perform better than the SPY index while managing risk. These portfolios are meant for individuals who may not have the time or expertise to manage their investments closely. The service is led by The Macro Teller, who has extensive experience in investment management. He holds degrees in Accounting, Economics, and Finance and is a qualified CPA. Investors can choose between the “Funds Macro Portfolio” and “Rose's Income Garden.” Both options aim to provide simple and effective ways to participate in the stock market without significant volatility. It is important to note that past performance does not guarantee future results. Each investor should carefully consider whether these investment options are suitable for them.