New red gram variety CO-9 launched in Musiri, Tamil Nadu
The Agriculture Department has launched a new variety of red gram in Musiri Block. This initiative is part of the National Agricultural Development Programme (NADP). The new variety, called CO-9, was developed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in 2019. The demonstration plot is located on a farmer's land in Abinimangalam, Musiri taluk. The field will serve as a seed farm, allowing seeds to be collected and shared with local farmers later. The red gram was grown as a rain-fed crop and has recently been harvested. An official reported that one plant produced 611 pods, weighing about 325 grams. This new variety may yield more than traditional types. It takes 170 to 180 days to grow and is suitable for the local climate. Additionally, it is moderately resistant to diseases and pests. The plants grow 7 to 8 feet tall. In previous tests in Telangana, yields reached as high as 2,697 kg per hectare. Farmers used specific planting methods, with a three-foot gap between rows and plants. During critical growth stages, drones were used to spray pesticides and plant hormones. This approach is more effective due to the height of the plants. Farmers can also grow this red gram variety alongside groundnut or cotton, or as part of bund cropping. This new development could benefit local agriculture significantly.