New York influencer sells $380 sock-shoes
A New York influencer has launched a new line of sock-shoes that are priced at $380. Sarah Fiszel's brand, Brave Pudding, has attracted attention from wealthy celebrities and influencers, but not everyone is pleased with the price. Despite the complaints about rising costs of living, these unique outdoor socks come with free shipping. The socks have a structure that allows them to function like shoes, while looking like traditional socks. Brave Pudding was introduced six months ago and has already garnered support from notable figures such as Whoopi Goldberg and Arielle Charnas. However, some social media users have criticized the design, questioning why wealthy individuals want to appear poor. Others have pointed out the difficulties of wearing these socks outdoors, especially in dirty city streets. Fiszel has acknowledged the backlash, stating, "People get so worked up about it. I’m just making socks!" The socks are made from recycled cashmere and feature a durable interior and rubber sole. Their success follows a trend of sock-shoes that gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic, when comfort became a priority in fashion. Brave Pudding's name is inspired by a local legend from East Hampton, where Fiszel spent time growing up. She has defended the higher price point by comparing it to other luxury footwear brands. Brave Pudding is sold online and at select luxury retailers.