Now is ideal for indoor seed planting in Michigan
Spring is approaching in Michigan, and gardeners are eager to start preparing their gardens. Although it’s not quite time for planting outdoors, there are several tasks that can be tackled indoors and in the yard. With the last frost in southern Michigan about six to eight weeks away, it’s a great time to plant seeds indoors. Many vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, and broccoli can be started now. Herbs and summer flowers like zinnias can also be planted indoors. Growing these plants early can save money and ensure a beautiful garden landscape later. In addition to planting, it is also the right time to prune shrubs and trees. As temperatures remain cold, pruning now will not hurt the plants. This includes fruit trees and hydrangeas. If any shrubs are too close to the house, gardeners can dig them up and relocate them. Finally, it is essential to fertilize shrubs and trees. The ground is ready to absorb nutrients, so applying a balanced fertilizer like 12-12-12 is recommended. This will prepare plants for the growth that comes with warmer weather. Gardeners should remember to stretch and stay in shape as they get ready for a busy gardening season ahead.