One dirty container can spoil recycling bins in Ireland
Today is World Recycling Day, and the environmental organization Repak is sharing important tips on recycling. They emphasize that just one dirty container can ruin an entire recycling bin's contents. A recent study found that 33% of people in Ireland do not know that a single contaminated item, like a dirty bottle or tin, can affect the recycling bin. Many are confused about how serious this issue is. Only 24% realize that contamination impacts the whole bin, while 9% are unsure. This misunderstanding leads to significant problems. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that around 127,000 tonnes of recyclable materials are thrown in the wrong bins each year. Additionally, about 66% of items in general waste bins are not disposed of correctly. Repak provides clear guidelines for recycling in Ireland. Items in recycling bins must be clean, dry, and loose. For example, yoghurt pots should be rinsed, and greasy pizza boxes belong in the general waste bin. Contaminated items can cause whole loads of recycling to be rejected. People can recycle a variety of materials at home, including paper and cardboard, soft and hard plastics, and metals. For more information and resources, visit