Outgoing Ombudsman criticizes Health NZ's information delays
The outgoing Ombudsman, Peter Boshier, has raised concerns about Health NZ's handling of official information requests. In a report released today, he referred to Health NZ’s practices as a “particular concern” related to the Official Information Act (OIA). Boshier criticized Health NZ for delaying the release of information by sending it to the Minister’s office for approval. He described this process as potentially “contrary to law.” Boshier argued that this created an unnecessary delay, as information could sit in the Minister's office for several days. He pointed out that this approach acts as a “proxy approval process.” This means that Health NZ is effectively seeking confirmation from the Minister's office before responding to OIA requests. He deemed this practice “unreasonable.” These comments come as Boshier reflects on his nine years in office as Ombudsman. His focus on Health NZ highlights ongoing issues in the transparency of public information.