Over 1,700 olive ridley turtles released in Malappuram
More than 1,700 baby olive ridley turtles were released into the sea at Azhikode Beach in Malappuram. This event took place as part of the celebrations for International Forest Day. The initiative was led by the Malappuram Social Forestry Division, along with Ponnani Municipality and the Coastal Police. K A Muhammad Sainul Abideen, the Deputy Conservator of Forests, spoke about the need to protect marine life during the event. The release aimed to help the endangered olive ridley turtles and promote environmental awareness. Abideen mentioned that these turtles are crucial for marine ecosystems. The turtles feed on small shellfish and lay eggs on the Kerala coast between January and February. They prefer sandy beaches without sea walls for nesting. Female turtles dig holes and lay 45 to 125 eggs before covering them with sand and returning to the sea. The eggs take about 45 to 70 days to hatch. After hatching, the baby turtles instinctively move toward the ocean. Abideen noted that while they are cared for in a temporary shed, they face threats from wildlife like jackals and dogs. There is also a risk from people who steal the eggs.