Players urge Blizzard to hire fan for perk improvement
An Overwatch 2 player has caught the attention of the gaming community after proposing a strong improvement to one hero's underwhelming perk. The player, known as SammyIsSeiso, shared a clever solution for Cassidy's "Past Noon" perk, which currently allows players to regain ultimate charge after letting their Dead Eye ability expire. Many players find this option lacking, as they rarely let the ability run its full course without using it. SammyIsSeiso's idea involves changing how the perk works. They suggested that when Cassidy uses the High Noon ability, the ultimate meter should start charging again from 5%, increasing by 5% for every second it is channeled. If players cancel the ultimate or let it expire, they would receive a refund of ultimate charge based on how long it was channeled, allowing for refunds between 5% and 40%. Players were impressed by SammyIsSeiso's proposal, praising it as a "fantastic idea" and urging Blizzard to consider hiring them. Comments like "Blizzard hire this man" highlight the enthusiasm within the community for the suggested change. Although it is uncertain whether Blizzard will implement this idea, the positive feedback from players suggests it could be an easy win for the developers.